Recently I've found out I'm not alone in my troubles in dealing with the open working environment where I am currently employed. Being in a position which requires a large amount of focused concentration, I find it extraordinarily difficult to be productive and happy with numerous distractions. Attempting to complete tasks that would normally take a few hours becomes a tedious chore, especially when it takes several minutes to get back into whatever problem you're currently trying to solve after an interruption.
I must admit, I don't understand the latest infatuation with an open working environment. Sure, the level of communication among employees rises significantly, but I would argue that the quality of that communication suffers. Bystanders hearing bits and pieces of conversations can interject immediately, and while occasionally helpful this sometimes leads to a tangent in the conversation that is completely unproductive. On top of this, the total lack of privacy and personal space make for a very sterile and stress filled workspace.

I have worked in several different environments, from a private office with servers in the closet to an almost completely open setting. I feel the most exhausted at the end of the day after fighting distractions in the open environment. While private offices are not going to be available to everyone in a company anytime soon there should be a happy medium that's not to difficult to reach. In addition, why continue with the harsh overhead lighting when everyone in the room is staring at a backlit computer screen? Wouldn't things be much more serene with desk lamps and a bit of space you could call your own?

For more information, here is an interesting article about how the design of the space you are in can affect your work and mood. Happy reading (hopefully in comfortable surroundings).


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