It's hard to believe how much the British seem intent on driving their civilization directly toward 1984. Consider their new use for Smart cars here. This is just creepy.

Using these vehicles to monitor traffic and sending you tickets for being distracted? What if you've lent your car to someone, or someone stole your vehicle? That would be a nice gift to receive...someone steals your car and talks on their phone while joyriding around town and then YOU receive the ticket.

This is a great example of technology being used the WRONG way. Why do people not stand up and stop this type of abuse? Besides, isn't the purpose of police patrols to curb bad behavior? How does hiding behind a camera push anyone to follow the law?


DiggForBeer said... @ April 11, 2009 at 11:16 PM

I just saw that on my RSS feed, that nuts.

MBS said... @ April 12, 2009 at 2:19 PM

Thanks! Seems like a crazy idea to begin with, I can't believe they're actually doing it.

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